On Monday Josh started the last round of chemo in Amarillo. He got 4 high doses of one of the chemo's and an injection in his leg of another. The high doses over a short period of time cause headaches and fever. He also gets very tired as his blood counts get wiped out. e were able to leave the hospital by Wednesday afternoon and got him home and settled in to rest. Although he is running a fever, the doctor is not to concerned about it as it is from the chemo. We will finish up this round next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as they redo the same treatment.
The doctor again reaffirmed that he is doing well. The bone marrow biopsy results showed that there were no leukemia blasts seem in his bone marrow. They are very pleased with his weight gain as he gained 13 pounds over the holiday.
We anticipate him running a fever and needing to go back into the hospital after his treatment next week, but then he should start to recover by the middle of January. At this point they say he will get blood tests every week for about a month after chemo and then once a month for the next year.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Following the lives of the Walton's and their fight against Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
White Christmas
We had a beautiful white Christmas at home. The snow from the other day stuck around, and we even had a few flurry's throughout the day. Last night we had a candlelight Christmas Eve service at church, that was very well attended and then this morning we got up early, fixed the traditional breakfast of bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls and potatoes.
We sat around the tree and opened presents. Josh and Sarah helped pick out most of their presents as we weren't sure if we would be home, or have a tree. Ilene and I were able to surprise them both with a gift that they didn't expect, but the best gift was being home as a family with Josh feeling better.
We stuck lunch in the oven and went to church. It was the first time in almost 6 months that Josh was at church with us. His counts are a little low still, but we took the risk because it was Christmas. We will check his counts in the morning and then head for Amarillo if his ANC's are over 1000.
Josh has a friend over playing video games (Drew) and they are having a great time. Drew's dad is the pastor of one of the other churches in town and he has his foot in a cast from a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago.
Sarah has one of her friends over, they watched a christmas movie and are listening to music. Life almost seems normal, with the music playing and the christmas lights on. We are ready to be done with chemo.
Thank you all for your continued prayers. We received many cards and letters this year from those of you who have been following our journey. Our best gift this year has been God's faithfulness in our lives when life was out of our control. We pray that the new year will bring you all closer to God.
We sat around the tree and opened presents. Josh and Sarah helped pick out most of their presents as we weren't sure if we would be home, or have a tree. Ilene and I were able to surprise them both with a gift that they didn't expect, but the best gift was being home as a family with Josh feeling better.
We stuck lunch in the oven and went to church. It was the first time in almost 6 months that Josh was at church with us. His counts are a little low still, but we took the risk because it was Christmas. We will check his counts in the morning and then head for Amarillo if his ANC's are over 1000.
Josh has a friend over playing video games (Drew) and they are having a great time. Drew's dad is the pastor of one of the other churches in town and he has his foot in a cast from a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago.
Sarah has one of her friends over, they watched a christmas movie and are listening to music. Life almost seems normal, with the music playing and the christmas lights on. We are ready to be done with chemo.
Thank you all for your continued prayers. We received many cards and letters this year from those of you who have been following our journey. Our best gift this year has been God's faithfulness in our lives when life was out of our control. We pray that the new year will bring you all closer to God.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Waiting Again - Under Blizzard Warning
We had Josh's blood drawn again this afternoon, confident that we would need to head for the hospital in the morning. To add to the excitement, there is a blizzard heading our way with expected snow accumulation of 12-16 inches with 30 mile an hour winds.
We really were not ready to leave tonight, but the county judge called up the National Guard to assist with people getting stranded in the snow, so we started thinking about leaving tonight. The problem was, we had a lunch meeting after church and then the staff was hosting a reception for the church body in the evening. We didn't expect to get done until 8 PM, which would mean spending 2 hours packing and then 1 1/2 hours driving.
Before we had to make the decision, we heard back that his ANC's are still not high enough and the doctor said to wait until after Christmas to come in. Josh is unhappy with that as he is concerned that it may allow the leukemia to come back and he is ready to get this all over with. We are glad that he will be healthy on Christmas day, and although we would prefer to get things started so that we can be finished, we know that God has a plan and we trust Him, especially when things like blood counts are out of our control.
Pray for protection on our community as this storm blows in tomorrow. Many of the people who are headed to the mountains to ski or to Colorado for Christmas travel though our small town. When we get these blizzards, the hotels get filled up, and then the roads get closed so we end up opening up the church to house stranded people.
We really were not ready to leave tonight, but the county judge called up the National Guard to assist with people getting stranded in the snow, so we started thinking about leaving tonight. The problem was, we had a lunch meeting after church and then the staff was hosting a reception for the church body in the evening. We didn't expect to get done until 8 PM, which would mean spending 2 hours packing and then 1 1/2 hours driving.
Before we had to make the decision, we heard back that his ANC's are still not high enough and the doctor said to wait until after Christmas to come in. Josh is unhappy with that as he is concerned that it may allow the leukemia to come back and he is ready to get this all over with. We are glad that he will be healthy on Christmas day, and although we would prefer to get things started so that we can be finished, we know that God has a plan and we trust Him, especially when things like blood counts are out of our control.
Pray for protection on our community as this storm blows in tomorrow. Many of the people who are headed to the mountains to ski or to Colorado for Christmas travel though our small town. When we get these blizzards, the hotels get filled up, and then the roads get closed so we end up opening up the church to house stranded people.
Friday, December 16, 2011
The Puppies Are Ready for Your Christmas Stockings
In the middle of this journey, our dogs (we have 3
) decided that it was time to have puppies. So on one of our trips to the hospital, both of the females had puppies within a few days of each other. The puppies are now 7 weeks old (born between October 31st and November 2nd); they are weened and as cute as can be. Both Josh and Sarah would love to keep them all, but we can't imagine having 8 dogs (I think there is a law against it).
Here are the pictures of the puppies. We are selling them for $200 a piece, so call Ilene if you would like one at (806) 884-9964.
Here are the pictures of the puppies. We are selling them for $200 a piece, so call Ilene if you would like one at (806) 884-9964.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday December 15
Josh will have his blood tests today to see if his counts are high enough to start chemo. His spirits have been better and he seems to have more energy than he has had in a while. We are all looking forward to this part of the journey being done.
We should know the results of the blood test by 10 AM CST. If they are high enough we will head to the hospital.
Thanks for your prayers.
We should know the results of the blood test by 10 AM CST. If they are high enough we will head to the hospital.
Thanks for your prayers.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Home Again
Josh's blood counts (ANC's) were not high enough to start chemo so they did the bone marrow biopsy and sent us home. We are to check his blood counts again on Thursday and hopefully we can start chemo then.
The preliminary results from the bone marrow biopsy came back and there are no "blasts" visible, which is a good sign. They should send them out for further analysis and may find out why his blood counts are not coming back as quickly as they should.
Thank you for your continued prayers. We are all tired but thankful to be home, even though we would have preferred to get the chemo started.
The preliminary results from the bone marrow biopsy came back and there are no "blasts" visible, which is a good sign. They should send them out for further analysis and may find out why his blood counts are not coming back as quickly as they should.
Thank you for your continued prayers. We are all tired but thankful to be home, even though we would have preferred to get the chemo started.
Hoping to Start Final Round Today
Today we are hoping to start the last round of chemo. At 8am we will go to the hospital for blood tests. Then they will prep Josh for the bone marrow biopsy which is scheduled for 10 am.
When they checked his blood counts last week, his ANC's were not high enough to start chemo, but we have been praying that they have improved enough over the last 4 days to start today.
As hard as it is to see Josh knocked down by the chemo each time, we are anxious to be finished and start the recovery process. If his ANC's are not high enough, they will send his bone marrow biopsy out to evaluate why he is not producing the blood cells they way he should be. They will delay chemo until we have some results.
Last night we came into Amarillo to spend the night so that we could be here by 8 am.
When we got to town, we had some time to drive around and see some Christmas lights. It was nice to do something that felt almost normal.
Thank you for your continued prayers. We will keep you updated.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Waiting For the Last Round
Over all, Josh has had a good week. We rescheduled his doctors appointment to today because of snow. He has been feeling stronger, and his appetite is back.
Ilene left early this morning with Josh and Sarah and headed for Amarillo. Josh had his echo cardiogram which showed that his heart function is still a little diminished. They will keep him on his heart medication and change his potassium medication. Everything else looked okay, but it took them all day to get the results back from the lab on his CBC's (blood counts).
After waiting most of the day in Amarillo, Ilene found out that he doesn't need a transfusion, but his ANC's (absolute neutrophil count) is still to low to start chemo. They will have us come back in on Monday to do a bone marrow biopsy to see if they can tell why his counts aren't coming back. If his ANC's have improved enough by then, they will start chemo.
We are again reminded that life does not function on our time schedule. Every once in while the hour glass gets tipped over and we have to wait. Each day our prayers are the same. "Father, protect Josh from infection and heal him". And each day we wait and watch for his answer. We wait longingly for his mercy.
In Psalm 143 the psalmist expresses well the way we feel.
6 I lift my hands to you in prayer.
I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain.
7 Come quickly, Lord, and answer me,
for my depression deepens.
Don’t turn away from me,
or I will die.
8 Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk,
for I give myself to you.
9 Rescue me from my enemies, Lord;
I run to you to hide me.
10 Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
May your gracious Spirit lead me forward
on a firm footing.
It seems like we are so close to being done with the chemotherapy and the long stays in the hospital. Our hope is in the Lord
Ilene left early this morning with Josh and Sarah and headed for Amarillo. Josh had his echo cardiogram which showed that his heart function is still a little diminished. They will keep him on his heart medication and change his potassium medication. Everything else looked okay, but it took them all day to get the results back from the lab on his CBC's (blood counts).
After waiting most of the day in Amarillo, Ilene found out that he doesn't need a transfusion, but his ANC's (absolute neutrophil count) is still to low to start chemo. They will have us come back in on Monday to do a bone marrow biopsy to see if they can tell why his counts aren't coming back. If his ANC's have improved enough by then, they will start chemo.
We are again reminded that life does not function on our time schedule. Every once in while the hour glass gets tipped over and we have to wait. Each day our prayers are the same. "Father, protect Josh from infection and heal him". And each day we wait and watch for his answer. We wait longingly for his mercy.
In Psalm 143 the psalmist expresses well the way we feel.
6 I lift my hands to you in prayer.
I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain.
7 Come quickly, Lord, and answer me,
for my depression deepens.
Don’t turn away from me,
or I will die.
8 Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,
for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk,
for I give myself to you.
9 Rescue me from my enemies, Lord;
I run to you to hide me.
10 Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
May your gracious Spirit lead me forward
on a firm footing.
It seems like we are so close to being done with the chemotherapy and the long stays in the hospital. Our hope is in the Lord
Monday, December 5, 2011
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Sunday night after church, we watched the musical White Christmas together as a family. Ilene had made some chili so we sat and had chili and watched a Christmas movie together. We usually start watching Christmas specials on Thanksgiving day, but this year we got started a little late. Josh slept most of the day Sunday, I think he was tired out from being up most of the day on Saturday, helping us decorate the tree.
Last night it started to snow, and snowed on and off all night. There was a light dusting of snow (around an inch) over everything this morning and it has continued to snow most of the morning. With the wind and the cold, we know that winter is here.
Josh talked us into letting him come to the office for break-time. His mentor, Domingo is one of our custodians, so we we bundled him up and I drove him over to spend an hour with his friends.
With all of the snow and cold weather, we rescheduled his doctors appointment to later in the week. He seems to be getting stronger each day so we are thankful for that. We are looking forward to being finished with the chemotherapy and get some normalcy back in our lives.
We pray that you are all blessed.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Snow, Tree Decorating and Platelets
Yesterday we all slept in a little (Josh and I were up at 5:30 for his antibiotics) Saturday morning. At around 9 am Ilene, Sarah and I headed out and got some breakfast at one of our favorite breakfast places, Martha's, and then went and got our Christmas tree and some decorations out.
Ilene and Sarah put the tree up, and then we all put the decorations on it. It was nice to sit at home with a fire going, Christmas music playing and talk about Christmas's past and some of the funny things that have happened. We have some old handmade (school craft not antique) Christmas ornaments that have stories behind them that always find their way onto the tree.
Then around 2 pm Dr. Matt texted me that Josh's platelets were low the day before and were we getting a transfusion today. The oncologist was going to wait until they were below 20, so we had home health come and do a blood test again. An hour later, Josh and I were headed to Amarillo for a transfusion.
When the doctor got there Josh told him that his ankle had been hurting and he also had a few "bumps" under his skin. One on his right arm and then one on each leg. The doctor looked at the bumps and said he would watch them and ordered and x-ray for his ankle.
It had snowed the night before and it was still cold so I expected a little bit of an adventure, but the roads were clear and dry both directions. We spent about 5 hours in the hospital while they gave him platelets, his antibiotics and x-rayed his left ankle.
It was almost 11 pm by the time we got home. Ilene and Sarah had hung lights on the front porch and finished the decorations in the living room. We all headed for bed, thankful to be sleeping in our own beds.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
What Does It Take To Save A Life
Along this journey, we have said many times that our perspective and priorities have changed. Most of the things that were a normal part of our lives are things that we can no longer include in our schedule. I had a discussion the other day with a friend about what was important in life. We agreed that our relationship with God, our families and other relationships were important. Our jobs and other responsibilities were also important, but when you face a life threatening illness in your family, your true priorities become obvious.
We often say that we would do anything to save our kids and our family. But we have found that it was easy to say that, but being put to the test takes more than lip service.
A few years ago there was a movie that dealt with real life issues of teenagers called To Save A Life. It dealt with the hopes and dreams of a basketball star and his cheerleader girlfriend. Their lives were changed when a friend took his life and they were faced with decisions that would effect the future of their lives.
This journey we are on has forced us to evaluate our decisions. We have had to change plans, readjust schedules and put many of our hopes and dreams on hold. We have quoted the verse before "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? from James 4. But this is the first time in our lives when we really have no idea what tomorrow will bring.
As we have readjusted our priorities we have been faced with the difficult issues of life. We have had to make decisions about prolonging life and had the difficult discussions with Josh about what extent we would take to save his life. Along the journey the financial impact of his medical treatment has been one of those issues that we follow but have very little control over.
Every week we get medical bills and statements from the insurance company telling us what bills have come in. We have never had any major illnesses in our family before, and I don't know that we have ever used up our deductible before in a calendar year. But this year, we spent our deductible after his first week in the hospital.
As we have watched his medical bills come in over the last few months, (we are very thankful for insurance and for the medical providers who have partnered with us to fight the cancer that is trying to kill Josh) we have been faced with the question of what is a life worth.
We support a child in the Philippines through Compassion International. There is a link on the top right hand corner of this page that will take you to their website. To save a life in the Philippines, it costs $38 a month. With Joshua's medical bills to date, you could feed 2,200 children for an entire year. What makes my sons life worth more than those 2,200 other children in the world?
I can't answer that question. I can't put a dollar value on the life of my son. But I do know that what I am learning from this journey is that God has a purpose. He has a plan and He wants to use the challenges we are facing to point people toward Him. He has allowed Josh to get the necessary treatment to save his life, at a cost far beyond what we could ever afford.
Maybe this year as we approach Christmas, He wants to use Josh's story to save the lives of 2,200 children around the world. Maybe He wants all of us together to find away to share the love of God with the people that we know. What ever the reason, I know that in God's eyes, my son's life is worth more than a million dollars. In God's eyes, every life is worth saving, He was wiling to give His Son's life to save each one of ours.
As we move into this Christmas season, think about what you will do with the life God has given you. He gave us all the gift of life, it is our choice how we spend it.
Josh was released from the hospital yesterday (Tuesday afternoon). He is home resting, and has been eating a little better. Please pray that we will be able to stay home until his next chemotherapy treatment on December 12th.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Overflowing With Thankfulness?
Josh had a better day. They continue to ween him off more of his medications. The infection seems to be under control. They still have him on one heart med and will do an echo cardiogram in the morning to determine if his heart is strong enough to take him off more of the medication.
The EKG today did not show any abnormalities. That is good news, and we are hoping that the irregular heart beat the other day was from low electrolytes. If things look good on his echo cardiogram, they will start lowering his heart medication and put him on a Holter monitor (mobile EKG) for a day or so to see if they can see any patterns with his heart.
Josh has been up most of the day and is eating and drinking better. Thank you for your prayers, they are helping.
Our faith has been tested along this journey. We have been forced to evaluate every aspect of our lives and re-evaluate or priorities. We have talked about our faith our entire lives, but we have never before experienced the challenges that we have faced the last few months.
This week as we were getting ready for our Sunday School class, we decided we would use our time together to share what we were thankful for. At that point, we anticipated being home (not in the hospital with Josh). As I was getting ready for the class this morning, I began looking for verses about being thankful.
I came across a number of verses in Colossians that talk about thankfulness. In Colossians 2 it says,
7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
I'll be honest, it is hard to feel thankful, let alone overflow with thankfulness when you are in the midst of a trial, so as I read this verse I had to stop and think it through. I am not thankful that my son is sick. I am not thankful for the strain this journey puts on our family and finances. I am not thankful that the things that were normal in our lives are no longer normal.
So what am I missing? I would say that we are rooted in Gods word, and we have built our lives around a belief that God is who He says He is. So why are we not overflowing with thankfulness?
Maybe it is because it is so easy to focus on the things in our lives that don't last. We are focused so much on what we don't have or getting more of what we think we need, sometimes we get to living like life is all about what we experience or collect here on earth. In Colossians 3 we read:
2 Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
If we focused our thoughts on what God was doing, and what He considers important, maybe it would be easier to be thankful for what He has done and is doing in our lives.
So what should we be focused on? In Philippians 4 we are told to think about these things:
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
The EKG today did not show any abnormalities. That is good news, and we are hoping that the irregular heart beat the other day was from low electrolytes. If things look good on his echo cardiogram, they will start lowering his heart medication and put him on a Holter monitor (mobile EKG) for a day or so to see if they can see any patterns with his heart.
Josh has been up most of the day and is eating and drinking better. Thank you for your prayers, they are helping.
Our faith has been tested along this journey. We have been forced to evaluate every aspect of our lives and re-evaluate or priorities. We have talked about our faith our entire lives, but we have never before experienced the challenges that we have faced the last few months.
This week as we were getting ready for our Sunday School class, we decided we would use our time together to share what we were thankful for. At that point, we anticipated being home (not in the hospital with Josh). As I was getting ready for the class this morning, I began looking for verses about being thankful.
I came across a number of verses in Colossians that talk about thankfulness. In Colossians 2 it says,
7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
I'll be honest, it is hard to feel thankful, let alone overflow with thankfulness when you are in the midst of a trial, so as I read this verse I had to stop and think it through. I am not thankful that my son is sick. I am not thankful for the strain this journey puts on our family and finances. I am not thankful that the things that were normal in our lives are no longer normal.
So what am I missing? I would say that we are rooted in Gods word, and we have built our lives around a belief that God is who He says He is. So why are we not overflowing with thankfulness?
Maybe it is because it is so easy to focus on the things in our lives that don't last. We are focused so much on what we don't have or getting more of what we think we need, sometimes we get to living like life is all about what we experience or collect here on earth. In Colossians 3 we read:
2 Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
If we focused our thoughts on what God was doing, and what He considers important, maybe it would be easier to be thankful for what He has done and is doing in our lives.
So what should we be focused on? In Philippians 4 we are told to think about these things:
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
When we focus on things that are true, honorable, right, pure and admirable; thankfulness follows.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
More Heart Issues
Josh was doing pretty good today (Saturday) although he didn't sleep well. He was feeling agitated much of the night, but finally got some sleep this morning. They have been lowering his heart medication, but this morning they did an echo cardiogram and found that his heart function had dropped so they put him back on some of the heart medication.
Then around 5 pm his heart started beating irregularly (PVC). The doctor came in and she called the cardiologist who came by and looked at his readings. They ordered an EKG for the morning and a echo cardiogram for Monday.
They couldn't find anything conclusive with his heart. They are giving him potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. They are hoping that the extra vitamins and minerals will help his heart beat more regularly.
They are still trying to identify the bacterium that he has, but they feel that the antibiotics he is getting are fighting the infection. At this point he has not run another fever so once they get the heart issues under control they feel they could let him go home. They think it could take as much as a week to get his heart back to normal.
There are times along this journey when we can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Josh gets frustrated when he gets sick. He is so tired of being in hospitals and having IV tubes hooked up to his arms. Its that feeling of waking up while it is dark and thinking that morning will never come.
Psalms 130 says:
5 I am counting on the Lord;
yes, I am counting on him.
I have put my hope in his word.
6 I long for the Lord
more than sentries long for the dawn,
yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.
As dark as it sometimes gets while we are walking along this journey, our hope is not in modern medicine or science or great doctor (even though we have some of the best). Our hope is in a God who loves us and has a plan for us.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Then around 5 pm his heart started beating irregularly (PVC). The doctor came in and she called the cardiologist who came by and looked at his readings. They ordered an EKG for the morning and a echo cardiogram for Monday.
They couldn't find anything conclusive with his heart. They are giving him potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. They are hoping that the extra vitamins and minerals will help his heart beat more regularly.
They are still trying to identify the bacterium that he has, but they feel that the antibiotics he is getting are fighting the infection. At this point he has not run another fever so once they get the heart issues under control they feel they could let him go home. They think it could take as much as a week to get his heart back to normal.
There are times along this journey when we can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Josh gets frustrated when he gets sick. He is so tired of being in hospitals and having IV tubes hooked up to his arms. Its that feeling of waking up while it is dark and thinking that morning will never come.
Psalms 130 says:
5 I am counting on the Lord;
yes, I am counting on him.
I have put my hope in his word.
6 I long for the Lord
more than sentries long for the dawn,
yes, more than sentries long for the dawn.
As dark as it sometimes gets while we are walking along this journey, our hope is not in modern medicine or science or great doctor (even though we have some of the best). Our hope is in a God who loves us and has a plan for us.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday
They needed to put 2 more IV lines in his arms to get all of the medication in him. At one point he had 10 different medications going and a couple of meds waiting. Within few hours (by 2am) he started feeling better.
While some people were camping out waiting to get some deals at the local mall, we were camping out trying to negotiate our way out of the hospital. This morning they told us that his blood culture was already growing something, so they felt like they caught it early. He is feeling pretty good this afternoon, although they have restricted his diet until he is doing a little better.
They are weening him off of his heart medication hourly as his heart function improves. They have told us they he may need to stay here for 7-10 day to make sure that he recovers completely.
Thank you for your continued prayer.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Josh had a pretty good morning. He slept in, but wasn't running a fever and was feeling pretty good. At around 11:30 he didn't feel well and his temperature went up to 100.5 which is when we are supposed to call. The doctor said to check it again in an hour. We went a head and ate our thanksgiving dinner that the Fields had graciously made for us and started packing just in case. By 12:20 (we couldn't wait till 12:30) his temperature was up to 103.
We finished loading the car and called the doctor to let him know that we were on our way. On the way to the hospital Ilene called the Ronald McDonald House and got a room lined up.
I was surprised by how many cars there were in the parking lot when we got there. It looked like there were a lot of visitor seeing family and friends. This is another new experience for us, being in the hospital on Thanksgiving day. I am thankful that the nurses and doctors are giving up their Thanksgiving Day to be available to get Josh well.
They tried to get him to take some Tylenol when we got in a room, but he threw that up. So they got him some Tylenol in his IV followed by some zofran to to settle his stomach.
They took blood cultures to see if he has an infection. They will start him on IV antibiotics and will keep us for at least 48 hours, and then if they can get the fever down, will let us go home on antibiotics.
The Lord has provided for our every need. He protects us and puts a shield around us. Even when we are in the hospital, we know that He is watching over us. I read through Psalms 107, and was reminded that God takes care of His children. Even when they disobey Him and get themselves in trouble, He rescues them and heals them.
So today, Thanksgiving Day 2011, we want to praise the Lord for His great love.
8 Let them praise the Lord for his great love
and for the wonderful things he has done for them.
9 For he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.
Hope you have a blessed day with family and friends. Make sure to stop and thank the Lord today for His blessings.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Time for a Blood Transfusion
We just got the results back from the blood draw. Josh's blood counts are low so we are headed for Amarillo for a blood transfusion. Pray that we can get done today and back home for turkey tomorrow.
How Has God Blessed Us
As we think about being thankful for what God has blessed us with, the question comes to mind, "what is a blessing". Yesterday we thanked God for providing for our needs. Does that mean that anything above or beyond our needs is a blessing?
On this we have seen God take care of our needs. He has provided food from unexpected sources, he has provided shelter when we are away from home. God has even provided emotional and spiritual encouragement when we needed it most. One thing we have learned is that our perspective of what we need has changed. As our lives have been changed over the last few months, the things that we have felt were essential, have lost importance.
Have you ever contemplated the question "what is the difference between not enough and more than enough"? When driving, we usually know when we do not have enough gas to get to our destination. When having company over for dinner, we try to make sure we have more than enough food to serve everyone.
But when we are considering how God has provided for our needs and blessed us, if we can determine the difference between not enough and more than enough, then we can know when to thank God for blessing us.
In my experience, the difference between not enough and more than enough is usually my attitude. Today I am thankful that God has blessed us with more than enough.
We are sitting in the hospital, thankful for the modern medical technology to give my son blood, to save his life. Hopeful that we can be done in the morning and be able to drive home in time for Thanksgiving dinner.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
What Do I Need?
My list might include stuff like a new truck or hiking equipment. I might include things like power tools or sporting equipment, trips to relaxing places or a better paying job. There are many things that we can put on our "Needs List" that have become a part of our daily lives. Things that we become so accustom to that we don't know how we could live without them.
What about running water? Electricity, natural gas, fast food restaurants or cars. How long could you survive without cable TV? I saw an advertisement on TV while sitting in Josh's hospital room that allowed you to take you cable box with you when you move and get your TV working right away, before the moving truck gets there with your stuff.
We have heard people say "I need to change the decorations in my house, it is almost Christmas" or "I need to change the oil in my car". Our perceived needs are very different then what God knows we need. If God gives us what we need, but we don't get everything that we want, it is easy to complain rather then be thankful.
In Matthew 6 we are told that God already knows what all your needs are and He will take care of them:
26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Have you thought about giving thanks for enough food to stay alive (and have a variety of choices), have you thanked God that you have cloths, probably more than one set to change into; how about something to drink? Do you have clean water (some people can't even buy bottled water) to drink? I have ten different types of bottled drinks in the cupboard that people have brought over to Josh.
That is a pretty short list of needs, that God knows we have and yet the last time I checked, he provided a lot more than food, drink and clothing.
In Psalms 104 we see all that God does to provide for us and for the rest of creation. Not only does God care about our food, drink and clothing, He also enjoys making us happy and comfortable.
14 You cause grass to grow for the livestock
and plants for people to use.
You allow them to produce food from the earth—
15 wine to make them glad,
olive oil to soothe their skin,
and bread to give them strength.
God has provided for my families needs, and He has blessed us with more than we need. He has also given us enough so that we get the privilege of sharing some of our abundance with people who have less than we do. And when we share, we get to experience a little of what God feels, when He gives gifts to us.
Josh had a good day yesterday. He was up most of the afternoon and had a good appitite. His blood counts came back and he does not need a transfusion yet. We will check them again tomorrow. We continue to hope and pray that he will remain fever free until we return for the last round of chemo in December.
Thank you Lord for providing for my needs, and giving me more than I need so that I can participate with you in giving to others.
Tomorrow we will look at Being thankful for Gods Blessings.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Turkey Week

But for many years Thanksgiving has been a time when we do things together as a family and we have had many things to be thankful for.
This year we have not known how to plan for Thanksgiving. Before our life journey took a turn, we had planned on getting away as a family to a cabin in the mountains. We wanted to spend the week in the quiet hills of Glorieta. Much of our family was planning on coming and we expected to celebrate all of the things we had to be thankful for.
A few weeks ago, in anticipation of Thanksgiving, Josh began asking for turkey. On Thanksgiving I usually get up early (after staying up late) to get the turkey in the oven. I usually get a 20 pound bird, and stuff it with cornbread stuffing. Often times I will try out some new recipe for either backing the bird or the stuffing recipe. We almost always have sweet potatoes with marsh mellows (for Sarah and I) and grandma brings green bean (with bacon) some one brings rolls and carrots, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce and a multitude of pies and desserts.
Turkey week snuck up on us this year. With Josh's health, we canceled the trip to Glorieta, and today I posted a "No Visitors" sign on the front door. Don't get me wrong, we all love visitors, we would love to have people over all day long, but as Josh's blood counts have dropped, we have had to follow the doctors instructions and limit visitors.
In hopes of getting Josh to keep eating, this morning (I know it is still Monday) I got up and put a turkey in the oven. No stuffing, no green beans, no pie or green jello dessert, not even any sweet potatoes, just a 14 pound turkey with instant mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce.
(We do have some friends that have insisted on bringing us a Thanksgiving Dinner wherever we are on Thursday)
Josh ate as much as he could. He even enjoyed sitting up at the table with us, until he choked trying to swallow one of his pills and that was all he could take. He went back to bed to rest. He did eat a little more while in bed, but as I looked at him I could feel the anxiety growing. What if .....
That is one of those feelings we get when he sighs or coughs or stumbles as he walks. We hope for the best while keeping an eye out for the worst.
He doesn't have a fever today, we are checking his blood counts later today and trying to get him to drink more. But he is starting to get circles around his eyes and he is still skin and bone. His heart races when he stands up and his breathing gets rapid after he walks across the room.
So, what could we possibly be thankful for this year?
No matter what tomorrow brings, I am thankful for so many things. Even the journey we have been on over the last 4 months has shown us what is important in life. We have a God who protects and provides. We have family and friends who show us love in tangible ways. We have a community that has gathered around us and prayed for us and supported us through this difficult journey. I have a wife who loves me and children of whom I am proud of.
I hope that this year, sometime before Thursday, you can make a list of what you are thankful for, and share it with others. Send us a note of what you are thankful for this year. We would love to celebrate what God is doing in your life.
Lord willing, this week I will give you 5 ways you can be thankful. The first is "we can be thankful that God answers prayers." In Isaiah 65:24 God says:
I will answer them before they even call to me.
While they are still talking about their needs,
I will go ahead and answer their prayers!
We have experienced answered prayer this year. Many times over, and have seen that God answers our prayers, sometimes even before we finish asking. And I am thankful for that.
Tomorrow we will look at being thankful for how God provides for our needs.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Puppy's For Christmas
I am sure you are all wondering what to get your kids or that someone special for Christmas. Well, in the next few weeks we will be having a puppy auction. Here are the puppies. There are 5 of them and they are very cute. (If we don't get them adopted soon, we will get to attached and want to keep them all).
Here are pictures of the mom's Samantha and Sasha.
Sasha is a beautiful chocolate brown and she has 4 puppies that will be ready by Christmas
Samantha is black and brown and she has one puppy that is a few days older
than the others.
This is Samantha's puppy.
Isabella is black and brown like her mom. Born 10/28/11
This is Buttercup, and she is a golden tan, born 10/31/11
This is Bubbles and she is silver/grey with some tan, born 10/31/11
This Missy and she is black and brown with some white, born 10/31/11
This is Jasmine and she is mostly black with some white on her tummy, born 10/31/11.
Puppies must be picked up, we will hold them for you until Christmas eve. Starting bids at $200 (USD). We will keep the auction open until December 15th. Please email your bid to brian@fbcdalhart.org . I will update the bid price each day. We will post more pictures as they get older.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Answered Prayer
The week started off looking a little challenging. Josh was very tired after his lumbar puncture, and then had a headache and fever for a couple of days. He didn't want to eat or get up, he just slept.
Then Wednesday, the good news started coming in. We got results back from his echo cardiogram. We had been told a few weeks ago that his heart had been damaged by the chemo. They told us that he had heart damage that was not repairable, but we would most likely be able to control the problem with diet and exercise.
This changed our entire approach to his treatment. When we got the results back that his heart had completely recovered, we knew that it was an answer to prayer.
Josh had much better days on Thursday and Friday. He got up and walked around, and his appetite was back. Saturday morning, he got his last round of chemo at 4am. His oncologist, Dr. C. Turner came in around 9am and told us we could go home. By the time we were done packing up, and getting cleaned out of the Ronald McDonald house, it was close to 11am. We ran a few errands in Amarillo and then we headed home.
Josh has been tired all day. He slept on the drive home and has been sleeping since. He is not complaining about anything, but we think he is worried about getting sick again. He would really like to be home for Thanksgiving.
After arriving home, we received a call from a family in Amarillo. Their church is handing out Thanksgiving dinner meals and they wanted to know if they could deliver one. I asked them if they knew that we were in Dalhart, and they said they did, but still wanted to bring it. They have gotten our information from the Ronald McDonald House.
A few hours later, they arrived with a turkey and all of the fixens (frozen) and we had a nice visit with them. It was another opportunity to share about how God continues to be faithful to us and how He uses other people to bless us.
We are thankful to be home and pray that we can be here through Thanksgiving. We pray that this season God will bless you and that you will share with others what you are truly thankful for. We are thankful for answered prayer. God healed Josh's heart, he allowed him to tolerate chemo well, and He got us home safely.
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