Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Celebrate What God Has Done With Us

It has been almost a month since Josh's last chemotherapy treatment.

He had all of the side effects and continues to recover slowly. The most encouraging part is that now he can recover and doesn't face any more treatments. His appetite has been good and he is gaining weight slowly. He is getting his strength back and wants to do more.

His blood counts are recovering slowly, but it will be another week or so before he can be out in crowds.

We are planning a party for him on February 25th to celebrate his birthday (he turns 18 on February 3rd) and his completion of chemo. It will be here in Dalhart at the ROC (the churches recreation building) from 6 - 9 PM. We want to celebrate Josh's birthday along with his cancer being in remission, but more than that we want to celebrate the amazing grace that God has shown us in our lives.

Our lives have been changed along this journey, we will never be the same. God has shown us His faithfulness and grace. We have experienced His mercies in new ways. We know that many of you have also seen God work in your lives and we would love for you to come and celebrate with us what God continues to do.


  1. AWESOME!!!! The Kelly's

  2. Wish I could be there! I am celebrating in my heart!! Happy 18th birthday Josh! Mine is on Feb. 9th!! So we are February birthday buddies!! Love ya!

  3. We wish we could be there to help you celebrate Josh but "you
    all" will be in our prayers. It's been a long, hard journey for
    all.HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH!! Love and Prayers
    Uncle Stan and Aunt Lorraine
