Friday, July 22, 2011

This morning we met with the oncologist who is covering for Dr. Sharp. He was able to answer many of the questions that we have about AML, its prognosis, progression and treatment. Most importantly he is working at getting Josh accepted into a Clinical Trial at MD Anderson (for those of you that want to know more, here is a link to the Clinical Trial) in Houston. Josh meets all of the criteria for the trial, so it is just a matter of getting a phone call back with an appointment for him to be evaluated for the program.

What we can tell so far about the clinical trial is that the initial treatment protocol (big words for how long he will be there) will be seven days of in-patient chemo treatment followed by once a month treatments as needed.

Some encouraging news is that Josh's blood count levels are improving. Both his white blood cell (WBC) and platelets (PLT) have improved since yesterday. The doctor said that this improvement was not anticipated as there was an expectation that his levels would start to degrade. This improvement is great news. He said the improvement could be a result of the B12 shots that he gets each day. We of course know that we have a God that answers prayer.

We had the opportunity to talk with the doctor about our expectation that God will open door for Josh's benefit. He is watching with interest as we express a faith in a God who will work on or behalf. Keep him in your prayers. He was intrigued by our statements of faith and reliance on God to both be involved in the healing process and to be divinely instrumental in involving people in this journey that we are on.

We of course realize that Dr. Agarwal has strategically been put in our relational world so that we can influence him for Christ. Pray that we have the opportunity to share Christ with him in tangible ways. Pray also that God will begin to soften his heart to be receptive to the gospel.

Thank ya'll for the many responses. Josh is very encouraged to know that people are praying and loves to read your comments, so please post comments to him.

Josh will add another blogg later once we upload some new pictures of his cousins, aunts and grandma.


  1. Hi, Josh! Thanks for updating us on how you're doing; that helps so much. Please know we're praying for you every step of the way. It'll be exciting to watch God work ... and to see who He places in your path! Love, Aunt Laurie

  2. Wonderful news about Josh's blood count levels improving. I will add Dr. Agarwal and his family to my prayers.
    Marcia Murphey

  3. Hi Josh!
    I serve with Send International as your grandfather does and has. I recruit new missionaries in the Midwest at Bible Colleges and Seminaries and live in Iowa.
    I am praying for you not only that the Lord would heal you, but that through your healing Dr. Agarwal and others would come to Christ. This might be much bigger then we see right now. So trust the Lord because He is walking with you through this and and you can trust Him in whatever comes your way!
    Bless you,
    Martin Kolczyk

  4. Great news about the improvement. We do serve a mighty God!! Love the pictures! Your such an awesome kid.

  5. May God be with you on your long trip tomorrow! I just loved getting to know you and your family. Just remember you got this! Keep your strong attitiude and your faith in God always! Good luck buddy!!!!!

  6. Hey brotha how's it goin?dads keeping me updated on everything that is goin on with you.Know that you are in both mine and Beccas prayers.we are are gonna come out whenenever dad let's us know when a good time is.hang in there lil bro you can do it! They better be treating you to an xbox 360 to play in the hospital right?haha do I got knock heads so u get one?we love you josh and you know you can reach both me and Becca on our phones.

  7. Waltons, all,
    We just spent a week next door to Dick and Gerry at the shore so got daily updates on Josh. We're praying for you all. Dick and Gerry have been our mentors for about a thousand years...Liz Givens, for Dave too.
